How To Reset Windows Administrative Password

Hello Everybody, Hoping you don't face any problem to login to your personal computer or laptop, but what when you forget your recently set password and you are unable to open it in urgency.
So here I am about to this post which will help you to reset your Administrator password and allow you to login without knowing it.

There are many ways to unlock or administrator password, here i am revealing some that i think which can work very great.This all are free tools which can works on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows server 2003 and Windows 2008.

1. Restore Windows 7 or Windows Vista to Previous State

If you recently fix a new password and still remember old one then you can reset your Windows to a point time before you are using with old password. This Restore Windows function will not harm your personal data at all, It will just Restore you to your previous Windows settings that you are using, and this will also help you when you changed some settings in your system and you are not comfortable with it, then Restore Function is for you.You can find setting here How to do Restore Function.

2. Restart or Boot up Windows XP in Safe Mode and login with the Buld-In Administrator Password

When you have installed Windows XP then you have to set a Password for Administrator while installing, if you still remember it then you can open windows XP to Safe Mode by pressing F8 when your computer starts. This trick is not available for Windows 7 or Windows Vista, because Administrator account is disabled by default in Safe Mode with this versions.

3.Using Sticky Key Trick

Yes, Sticky key can help you from this crucial situation, that keys when always disturbs you from playing games, Pressing Shift, CTRL, ALT continuously activates the Sticky Key application.
our main motto in this application is replacing sethc.exe file with cmd.exe.
Will show you some easy steps which you need to follow:

Step 1:Boot from Windows RE or Windows PE and access to command prompt.
Step 2:Find the drive letter that where your operating system is installed whether it could be C: or 
           sometimes it could be D:
Step 3:Type this code in command prompt
           copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
           This creates a copy of sethc.exe on c:\ folder from its original position to avoid loosing of file
Step 4:Now type this code to replace sethc.exe with cmd.exe
           copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
Step 5:After you see logon screen, press the SHIFT key 5 times five.
Step 6:Now here you can see command prompt and now you can apply code to change password,
           net user your_user_name new_password id you don't know user name just type net user to 
           list available users 

Step 7:You can now logon with new password

I recommend you to replace sethc.exe with the copy you stored in root folder, because you cannot replace system files while the Windows installation is online. So, you have to boot again with Windows PE or RE and then enter the following code

copy /y c:\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe


How to Hack and Get Access to CCTV Cameras and Watch Live Footage Of CCTV

Hello Everybody, I am posting again one cool trick for hacking CCTV camera installed anywhere and you can watch it's live footage on your own system.
We often get curious when we see CCTV camera installed anywhere, that what it must be watching now, and sometimes it can be eye witness of anything which we can not think, so be ready to see what it is going to shoot for you now.

Security camera - CCTV camera - at the metro s...
Security camera - CCTV camera - at the metro station of Gamla Stan in Stockholm in Sweden. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Working principal of CCTV is very much easy, whenever it get installed at an organization, most of manufacturer company of CCTV which also installs a page "view.shtml" (most generally) or "view/index.shtml". So, if you have read my post on Google Search Technique then this will now help you to find such pages by the help of our best searching friend Google.

By using this technique you will find live footage of any of CCTV installed, but for using some of features like moving camera or zoom in zoom out features sometimes you need Admin username and password. But many of users use default username and password, which you will find by searching.

For helping you out in queries I will show you some queries, which you will find very helpful. You can use it on google and find some live footage.

inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" //this page is in the form of functions used in CCTV

Yes, you have to just type these terms in search area and you click in these url's only where you find this search term.


Here you will get all search result in which url contains that page which is having live footage of CCTV camera.

I never imagined that once I will get access to Colorado college CCTV access, try this and discover any undiscovered live footage of CCTV camera.

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How to Create Password Protection to Your Folder In Windows 7

In this post you will learn to create password protection on any of your folders, files which you want to keep private from others to see it, normally there are too many free softwares to lock your folder, but free software can expire and can permanently lock your all folders and files, which will surely put you in trouble to loss in files.

What you need to do is you just have prior knowledge of batch(.bat) files, if you don't have, then no need to worry, I am giving step wise instruction that will help you to learn.Create a folder with a choice of your name, and in that folder create a new text file, and just copy paste the following code in that text file

title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== Your_Own_Password goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

1. From above code just replace Your_Own_Password to your password which dont forget in future, because this one only can open your folder and edit this file in future, so don't forget password that you are going to replace now. And after that save filename as password.bat don't save as password.bat.txt.

2. Now double click the batch file that just created in your folder, and you will notice that in your folder one more folder named Private is created, this is your private folder you can move your all secret data, files or folders in this Private folder.

3. After completion of copy process again double click on password batch file which will now open a command prompt asking you to continue for locking process if you are sure to lock then press 'Y' or press 'N'. 

4. After you pressing 'Y' and hit enter, Private folder from your folder will get disappeared and if you again want this folder back you need to just double click batch file and this time it will ask for your password to type, enter your password and hit enter will show Private folder to access your secret data.

Enjoy this trick, and secure your personal data. Thanks for reading my post.

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Top Graphics PC Games That Doesn't Requires Graphics Card

The material and spectral realms
The material and spectral realms (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you buy a PC or Laptop for gaming experience but then you found out without graphics card you are not able to play such high rated graphics games, then how you feel? and buying high class graphics card is also dealing to lot of money. Then don't worry, for you I found some top graphics PC games that actually doesn't need Graphics Card.

Check out for some of the following................


AirStrike 3D II
America’s Secret Operations
Alien Shooter 2
American McGee’s Alice (tested on XP, stock drivers)
Age of Empires + Expansion
Cover of "Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem (...
Cover via Amazon
Ancient Wars : Sparta (3D Analyze, emulate HW TnL)
Anno 1404 Dawn of Discovery (3D Analyze, emulate HW TnL)


Bad Boys II: The Video Game
Batman: Vengeance
Battlefield 2142 (3D Analyze Game, also emulate HW TnL, force SW TnL)
Battlefield Heroes
Big Mutha Truckers 2
Breath of Fire 4
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (Works under XP and Vista)
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (3D Analyze, emulate HW TnL or ‘addgame.reg’)

Call of Duty + United Offensive
Call of Duty 2
Championship Manager 2008
Code of Honor 3: Desperate Measures (barely playable on minimum setting)
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane’s Wrath (shader detail must be set to medium to avoid crashes)
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Conan (3D Analyze, emulate HW TnL, force SW TnL)
Counter Strike: Source (Runs slow with normal drivers, with modded drivers you can run with settings and resulution on medium, tested on Vista)
Crazy Taxi
Cricket 12
CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder


Darkest Island
DarkStar One
Dino Crisis 2
Divine Divinity
Dracula : Origin
Dungeon Siege II
Dynasty Warriors 6


Empire Earth II + Expansion (The Art of Supremacy)
Empire Total War + Special Forces Edition (Windows Vista/7 + Modded Drivers + 3D Analyze, emulate HW TnL)
Enter The Matrix
Eragon (Windows Vista + Stock Drivers + Addgame.reg tweak)


F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
Fantastic 4
FIFA 2003 to FIFA 2013
FIFA Manager 2006 to FIFA Manager 2012
Fallout 3
Freedom Fighters(Very nice Indeed with awesome ammunition types)


Ancient Wars: Sparta
Ancient Wars: Sparta (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Guitar Hero 3
Ground Control 1


Half-Life 2
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Heroes of Might and Magic V
Hitman 4: Blood Money
House of the Dead 2


Iron Man
International Cricket Captain 2008


James Bond 007
Kohan + Expansions


Lego Star Wars 2
Live for Speed
Lego Indiana Jones


Marine Sharpshooter 2
Max Payne (Patch 1.05, tested on XP SP2)
Max Payne 2
Mechcommander 2
Megaman X8
Microsoft Flight Simulator X + Deluxe Version
Mount & Blade Warband  
Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Need for Speed: Undercover
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
NHL 09
Obscure 2
Operation 7 (free online fps)
Overlord (3D Analyze, emulate HW TnL) (5-10 fps)
Overspeed: High Performance Street Racing
Painkiller (3D Analyze, emulate HW TnL)
Peggle Nights
Port Royale 2
Prison Tycoon 4
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
Quake Live
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Resident Evil 4 (Modded drivers on Windows Vista/7 works. Windows XP only on low 640×480, 15-25 FPS)
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 + Expansions
Serious Sam II
Silent Hunter 3 (Lags when looking out onto the horizon)
Soldier of Fortune
Spider-Man 2
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadows of Chernobyl
Star Wars: Republic Commando
SWAT 4 + Expansion
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Expansions
The Godfather
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Westerner
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
Tony Hawk’s Underground 2
Unreal Tournament 2004
Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption
WWE RAW Ultimate Impact 2009
Worms 3D
Zombie Shooter 2

This long list will definitely rock you guys, just Enjoy..
Thanks for reading this blog, don't forget to follow my Blog to get more techno updates.

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How To Access Blocked Sites in Office or Colleges

How To Access Blocked Sites in Office or Colleges

While I was studying in school and college I always get pissed when our organization blocked some social sites like Friendster, Myspace, Orkut, Hi5, and now a days Facebook, Flickr. That time I was not aware of such cool tricks to access blocked sites, but now I know many of such tricks to access blocked sites and I am gonna reveal those tricks here, But make sure that you have already checked all your local organization authorities.

1. Use of Google Cache- 

Google, Yahoo, Bing these search engines used to store caches of any of websites in their search engine themselves while it get crawled recently, and thats it , if any of website is blocked then just go and click cache version of website in Search Engine Result Page,
here you will find it.

2. Using IP address of website than URL- 

Mainly some blocked applications uses domain name as a blocking command instead of IP address(such as www.facebook.com, twitter.com), so using IP address instead of URL can work sometimes,
just go to Run-->type cmd then it opens command prompt and type ping domainname.com and you will get the IP address of domain name you typed.You can use online site such as www.whatsmyip.org

3. Instead of Full URL Why Dont Use Short?- 

Yes it works, When I tried first and Bingo... it worked, you can create short url from full url from these sites MooURL, bit.ly, SnipUrl websites. Just copy full url of blocked website and paste on such websites and it creates short url.You can use short url to open blocked website.

4. Wayback Machine aka Internet Archives-

 Wayback machine is a service provided that keeps or stores cache of websites from the date they are started, so clicking on latest copy of website can bring back to website that is recently stored in it and it works as a cached website. 

5. Proxy Website Services

There are some Proxy Websites which allows you to get access to other website anonymously, Here are those websites,

6. Use Proxy IP to Access Websites in browser-

Find out how you can change proxies using various internet browsers,

a. Proxy in Firefox

Go to Internet Option --> Lan Settings--> use proxy server.

you can use this proxy for get access to blocked website. You have to just change your IP to some other proxy IP address

These are some perfect techniques that you can access to blocked websites in your organization, in my Blog you can also see some Google Search Techniques, or how you can Recover from Wet Cellphone techniques too.

Thank you for reading and please comments if you found any problem in these techniques, I am always ready to help.

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Some Proxy websites to access blocked sites

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How To Overcome From Wet Cellphone If It Get Fell In Water

After getting quick response to my first post on Google Search Technique I am writing this new post for recovering cellphone from falling into the water

There are 100's of possibilities of falling your phone in water, while texting drop your mobile in bucket or even very bad in toilet, or when you keep mobile in pocket and one of your friend dunked you in a water pool, what first thing come in your mind that time is, Ohhhh shit, my cellphone is too swimming with me, or fell from pocket to direct washing machine, can increase your heartbeats for a while, but it is not too late to come out of sudden and follow these steps strictly.

 1. Don't loose your hopes and don't panic- As soon as you noticed that your cellphone is in water then take it out as quick as possible and remove excess of water from phone by news paper which is good absorber of water, all you need is take a patience for a day or two.Also clean your cell phone by using ear buds.

2. Remove all components- After cleaning excess water remove its battery, Sim Card, other attached components if any because if water fell on cellphone which is connected to charger can harm your cellphone more.

3. Using Hair Dryer- Using hair dryer unknowingly can damage your phone as hair dryer passes static electricity through it, so it is better to avoid using hair dryer.

4. Laptop Charger or Television- Put your mobile on running laptop charger or television whose surface is hot for hour or couple of hour.

5. Keep cellphone in uncooked rice for 24 Hour- And finally keep your cellphone in uncooked dry rice for nearly 1 day, dry rice is great absorber of moisture and to absorbs all moisture from cellphones small area it took time, so be patience and left it for one day, which is very much difficult to us, but this is the only chance to save your cellphone from water.

After one day you can check by switching it on , and guess what your phone will start and working like previous.

Thank you for reading this post, hope your cellphone works after following this post.

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Google Search Terchnique that Boosts Your Searching

Google Search Techniques that you are not aware

My first ever blog post is on Google Search technique and I am very pleased to tell you all these google search technique which surely improve your searching and can get more relevant information that you needed.

Directly going to the points here are some Google Search Techniques as follows:

1)      Quotation Search technique – whatever you type in a quotation on search area will give result as that text in title as well as in description area.
Ex. Type “sunglasses” in search area in double quotes as shown, you will find sunglasses in title area and description area as well.

2)      Google Scholar- Type google scholar on the search area and you will see http://scholar.google.com link,
Click on that link and in search area you can type anything related to study, thesis for your project and some other educational topic to get information.
Ex. Network Security, and you will see articles, books, pdf, citation on Network Security
This technique is very useful for students and teachers too, for presentation purpose and etc.

3)      Google Page title search technique- This technique will show your result only in title section(not in description) of every search result on page. For this you need to type in search area is intitle:”fastrack sunglasses (i.e your search text)”.

4)      Intext Feature- Same as entitle you type intext:”your search text” you will find your search text in description area.

5)   Google Number Ranges technique- this is really cool technique I found, Suppose you are about to buy puma sandal in between range Rs.1000 to Rs.2000 then type in search area Puma Sandal Rs1000..Rs2000   You will notice highlighted range is between these two ranges only other price ranges are not highlighted in title and description area. I love this technique very much.

6)     Google Calculator- use search area as a calculator, type mathematical number and operator and number, you will find answer very quickly, type 4.02145+6.369772, you will get answer.

7)      Currency Converter- You can use search area as a currency converter too, type usd 15 in inr and press enter you will get its Indian currency,  or you can also type $ 15 in indian rupee you will get same result. You can use same technique in Unit Conversion too, you have to just type 5 cm in meter you will get result.

8)    Stock Search- If you want to find current stock of any company, then just type Stock: company stock id as example you want to find stock of Apple company then write stock:APPL you will get stock information of Apple company.

9)     Sunset/Sunrise time search- If you want to find sunrise or sunset time of any place then just type sunrise in Mumbai or sunset in Mumbai then you will get the sunrise/sunset time of particular page.

10)    Define Words: If you want definition of word Engineering , then what you have to do is just type Define engineering in search area, you will get definition of engineering term. You can also hear its pronunciation from pronunciation symbol.

11)    Movie Search- if you want to search movie information, show timings, cast and crew then this technique will help you very much you need to just type Movie:movie name  in search area, and here is you will see this,

This is it for now, I will update this post if I found other, till enjoy these techniques and comment here if you know other.
Thank you and stay tuned for more Techno Gossips from Techno Gossiper.

12) Inurl Technique- Whenever you want to find any search term which you want to search in URL of any website or webpage then just type in search area inurl:istore then in every search result you will find "istore" in corresponding link url.

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